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Higher Education

How do you compete for the student's attention with the onslaught of social and multimedia ever present every moment of every day?

Are you evolving to meet the needs of digital learners of today?

The choice is yours, continue to lecture to your students or engage them in meaningful and relevant discussions.

Audience response technology has proven the ability to deliver stimulating learning environments.  

It really does break up some of the lecture – it does energize the audience - the students learn better when there is some level of emotional arousal - the higher the energy, the greater the learning. These devices do seem to have that kind of positive effect on the energy of the room. The biggest problem you have is calming them down after having used the device, which is a greater problem than having to get them to pay attention.

Robert Hanneman, Professor of Sociology

Students want to engage, are you involving them or telling them…

Let H-ITT get you further down the path to engaged learning.   We provide a full suite of audience response solutions that meet the needs of our distributed learning environments of today.

  • Ease the administration process - by automatically capturing grade book information, attendance and polling.
  • Reach everyone at Once – Response clickers provide instant feedback, take action and change direction based on the needs of each class.
  • Easy Integration Points - allow data to be integrated into learning management systems and student information system applications.  New data warehousing solutions provide you the ability to see student performance at the system level in near real time.
  • Leverage your ability to capture understanding of Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) material to ease the burden for providing progression and accreditation compliance reporting.
  • Engage them inside and outside the Classroom – Classroom Response Systems solutions provide the ability to collect individual perception of material anywhere the student chooses to connect. 

If you are interested in helping your instructors, professors, and department chairs maximize their productivity please:

Call us now at 1-888-322-0089 or 1-352-503-6824 or email us at sales@h-itt.com