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Student Response Systems

Clickers (response systems) polling students are leading the way in the interactive classroom. Quite simply, no other technology implementation can have a bigger impact than response systems. H-ITT offers state-of-the-art hardware solutions that provide innovation, dependability and value.

Whether you're looking for a setup for your class or solutions that can tie in your entire school or district, we have the solution that fits your needs.

H-ITT's Classroom response software is simple to use yet provides the flexibility and options directed towards allowing you to maintain all aspects of what and how you teach now. No need to make special question sets! Use your existing lectures, quiz and test material. On the fly questions, polling, computer displayed questions, web sites, paper tests and quizzes, all instantly graded!

H-ITT's Classroom response system extends beyond the classroom with Multipoint; virtually making the entire school a single "classroom" for any student body polling or questionnaire!

H-ITT Clickers

Simple to use, the H-ITT iCue RF Clicker allows students to simply press their answer choice, and they will receive a green light acknowledgment on the Clicker as well as their ID box on the in-class software screen. The clickers have a lanyard loop so you can fix them to a desk. They are durable to withstand the worst student abuse expected (i.e. dropping or tossing their remotes around). They use two standard AAA batteries (not included) can last for year.
Other K-12 Clicker options include:

  iBright   iBright   iEnable   iEnable

H-ITT's Base Receiver

H-ITT's iCue Base receiver plugs into your computers USB port. That's it. Truly plug and play which makes moving the response system from class to class, or teacher to teacher simple.

H-ITT's Class Packs

H-ITT's Class Packs offer organization and portability in a compacet carry-case that includes everything needed to set up an interactive classroom in minutes.

H-ITT offers much more! Click here for product help and see the many other products that H-ITT offers.